“The end and aim of all education is the development of character.” Francis Parker


With the help and dedication of our community, STRIVE will succeed in becoming a top middle school educational option for families in the McGavock Cluster.


Sponsorship Level

Transportation Sponsor
Provides transportation to at least 72 students over an entire school year.
School Library Sponsor
Provides an entire classroom library for one of our grade levels.
End of Year Field Trip Sponsor
Provides student exposure to colleges and field trip opportunities aligned to what they’ve learned over the school-year.
Classroom Sponsor
Provides the necessary classroom resources for grade level teachers (i.e. technology, curricular resources, etc.)
Field Trip Sponsor
Provides local opportunities for students to attend colleges and other field trip opportunities
Electives Sponsor
Provides all students with more electives opportunities throughout the school year (i.e. music, art, chess programs across Nashville)
Physical Education Sponsor
Provides resources to ensure students receive exposure to different sports as they are deciding which sport would be best for them as a middle schooler.

Donor Level

1 Classroom Computer (Total needed: 40)
In this technology age, this will provide more frequent access to technology for all students.
EOY Field Lesson
Per student cost for the EOY field lesson.
Uniform Starter Kit
Provides a students with a STRIVE polo, khaki pants and a STRVE sweatshirt.